Fertilization Recommendations

Gatit Solid Soluble Fertilizers

Greenhouse Tomato
SCENARIO Stage wise fertilization
Plant population: 1,500 per 1,000 square meter
Expected yield: 16 – 20 ton per 1,000 square meter
Season length: 8 – 10 months

Kg per 1,000 square meter

K2O P2O5 N
106 37 58


Kg per STAGE Kg per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer Days STAGE
25 1.7 10 47 12 Gatit 15 Emergence or transplanting till establishment
Days 0 to 15
30 1.0 27 9 17 Gatit 30 Establishment to 2° cluster
Days 16 to 45
40 1.6 27 9 17 Gatit 25 Fruit set to 4° cluster
Days 46 to 70
130 2.6 27 9 17 Gatit 50 4° cluster to harvest
Days 71 to 120
140 2.3 35 5 15 Gatit 60 Harvest
Days 121 to 180 (*)

(*) Continue applying the same dosage till end of harvest.


Greenhouse Cucumber
SCENARIO Stage wise fertilization
Plant population: 1,500 per 1,000 square meter
Expected yield: 15 – 18 ton per 1,000 square meter
Season length: 5 – 6 months

Kg per 1,000 square meter

K2O P2O5 N
72 27 38


Kg per STAGE Kg per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer Days STAGE
25 5.0 10 47 12 Gatit 5 Seeding or transplanting to establishment
Days 0 to 5
10 1.0 27 9 17 Gatit 10 Establishment to flowering
Days 6 to 15
30 1.5 27 9 17 Gatit 20 Flowering to fruiting
Days 16 to 35
60 2.0 27 9 17 Gatit 30 Fruiting to harvest
Days 36 to 65
120 1.8 35 5 15 Gatit 65 Harvest
Days 66 to 130 (*)

(*) Continue applying the same dosage till end of harvest.


Greenhouse Eggplant
SCENARIO Stagewise fertilization
Plant population: 1,300 per 1,000 square meters
Expected yield: 15 – 18 ton per 1,000 square meters
Season length: 9 – 10 months

Kg / 1000 square meter

K2O P2O5 N
94 33 52


Kg per STAGE Kg per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer Days STAGE
26 2.6 10 47 12 Gatit 10 Emergence or transplanting till establishment
Days 0 to 10
8 0.5 20 10 20 Gatit 15 Establishment to flowering
Days 11 to 25
36 1.8 20 10 20 Gatit 20 Flowering to fruiting
Days 26 to 45
80 2.7 27 9 17 Gatit 30 Fruiting to harvest
Days 46 to 75
175 2.3 35 5 15 Gatit 75 Harvest
Days 76 to 150 (*)

(*) Continue applying the same dosage till end of harvest.


Greenhouse Pepper
SCENARIO Stage wise fertilization
Plant population: 1,500 per 1,000 square meter
Expected yield: 12 – 15 ton per 1,000 square meter
Season length: 5 – 10 months

Kg per 1,000 square meter

K2O P2O5 N
70 37 49


Kg per STAGE Kg per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer Days STAGE
28 1.9 10 47 12 Gatit 15 Seeding or transplanting to establishment
Days 0 to 15
15 0.6 20 10 20 Gatit 25 Establishment to flowering
Days 16 to 40
22 1.1 20 10 20 Gatit 20 Flowering to fruiting
Days 41 to 60
61 2.1 27 9 17 Gatit 30 Fruiting to harvest
Days 61 to 90
160 1.8 27 9 17 Gatit 90 Harvest
Days 91 to 180 (*)

(*) Continue applying the same dosage till end of harvest.


SCENARIO Stage wise fertilization
Plant population: 4000 – 5000 per hectare
Expected yield: 60 – 100 ton per hectare
Season length: 4 months

Kg per Hectare

K2O P2O5 N
377 160 201


Kg/Ha per STAGE Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer Days STAGE
200 40 10 47 12 Gatit 5 Seeding or transplanting to establishment
Days 0 to 5
210 6 20 10 20 Gatit 35 Establishment to flowering
Days 6 to 40
300 12 35 5 15 Gatit 25 Flowering to fruiting
Days 41 to 65
600 20 35 5 15 Gatit 30 Fruiting to harvest
Days 61 to 95


SCENARIO Stage wise fertilization
Plant population: 2500 – 5000 per hectare
Expected yield: 60 – 100 ton Hectare
Season length: 4 – 4.5 months

Kg per Hectare

K2O P2O5 N
430 168 224


Kg/Ha per STAGE Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer Days STAGE
200 40 10 47 12 Gatit 5 Seeding or transplanting to establishment
Days 0 to 5
210 6 20 10 20 Gatit 35 Establishment to flowering
Days 6 to 40
250 10 35 5 15 Gatit 25 Flowering to fruiting
Days 41 to 65
800 20 35 5 15 Gatit 40 Fruiting to harvest
Days 61 to 101


Table Grapes
SCENARIO Season-long fertilization

Kg / Hectare

K2O P2O5 N
223 68 153


Kg/Ha per STAGE Applications Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer STAGE
500 Apply in equal quantities with each irrigation (500 Kg divided by the number of irrigations) 20 10 20 Gatit Early spring budding till 3 weeks before harvest
350 6 58 35 5 15 Gatit During 6 weeks after harvest


Wine Grapes
SCENARIO Season-long fertilization

Kg / Hectare

K2O P2O5 N
193 53 123


Kg/Ha per STAGE Applications Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer STAGE
350 Apply in equal quantities with each irrigation (350 Kg divided by the number of irrigations) 20 10 20 Gatit Early spring budding till 5 weeks before harvest
350 6 58 35 5 15 Gatit During 6 weeks after harvest


SCENARIO Balanced season-long fertilization

Kg / Hectare

K2O P2O5 N
192 50 106


Kg/Ha per STAGE Applications Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer STAGE
440 Apply in equal quantities with each irrigation (440 Kg divided by the number of irrigations) 27 9 17 Gatit Early spring budding till 3 weeks before harvest
210 7 30 35 5 15 Gatit After harvest


Stone Fruit
SCENARIO Balanced season-long fertilization

Kg / Hectare

K2O P2O5 N
300 100 220


Kg/Ha per STAGE Applications Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer STAGE
800 Apply in equal quantities with each irrigation (800 Kg divided by the number of irrigations) 20 10 20 Gatit Early spring budding till 3 weeks before harvest
400 7 57 35 5 15 Gatit After harvest


SCENARIO Season-long fertilization

Kg / Hectare

For 30 trees per 1,000 m²

K2O P2O5 N
295 125 245


Kg/Ha per STAGE Applications Kg/Ha per day K2O P2O5 N Fertilizer STAGE
800 Apply in equal quantities with each irrigation (600 Kg divided by the number of irrigations) 20 10 20 Gatit During 3 months from the start of flowering
500 8 62.5 27 9 17 Gatit During following 2 months


Preparation of 500 Lt fertilizer solution:

  1. Fill a 500 Liter tank with 250 – 300 Liter water.
  2. Dissolve 125 Kg (5 sacs) Gatit in the tank. Stir well.
  3. Fill up to 500 Liter water. Stir well.
  4. Inject into the irrigation system.
  • These recommendations are general guidelines only.
  • They represent a basic fertilization program for these crops growing in fields with soils with a basic pH (pH > 7). They are not applicable for soils with different characteristics.
  • The length of the development stages of each crop is given according to the best information available to our company to date.
  • These recommendations must be adapted to your local conditions, to the cultivar and to the planting date.
  • In order to obtain specific recommendations you may contact Gat’s agronomists describing your problem.
14-28-18 + TE
21-7-21 + TE
30-10-10 + TE
18-18-18 + TE
12-47-10 + TE
20-10-20 + TE
15-5-35 + TE
17-9-27 + TE
14% 21% 30% 18% 12% 20% 15% 17% Total Nitrogen (N)
28% 7% 10% 18% 47% 10% 5% 9% P2O5
18% 21% 10% 18% 10% 20% 35% 27% K2O
0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% MgO
360 ppm 360 ppm 360 ppm 360 ppm 360 ppm 360 ppm 360 ppm 370 ppm Fe*
195 ppm 195 ppm 195 ppm 195 ppm 195 ppm 195 ppm 195 ppm 185 ppm Mn*
30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 30 ppm 55 ppm Zn*
14 ppm 14 ppm 14 ppm 14 ppm 14 ppm 14 ppm 14 ppm 40 ppm Cu*
10 ppm 10 ppm 10 ppm 10 ppm 10 ppm 10 ppm 10 ppm 25 ppm Mo

* 100% EDTA

  • Chelated typical
  • 100% Water
  • Soluble
  • Weight: 25 Kg, 10 kg

Gatit Solid Soluble Fertilizers
For fertigated greenhouses, vegetables, fruits and flowers with any growing medium, as well as in open fields and orchards.

Fully soluble N-P-K for all fertigated crops under drip irrigation, sprinkler system or jets.

No hazardous residues.
Safe and easy to store and use.

Fully chelated and balanced mix of micronutrients.

Chloride Free.


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